Life Under Pressure

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2021 - Time to Hit the Reset Button!

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been ROUGH, and let’s be honest, that’s putting it both lightly and politely…..if I am being real, 2020 was absolute trainwreck. However, if you’re like me you’re probably looking ahead at 2021 with hope, patience, positivity, and a new perspective, along with a LOT of change.

For me, while 2020 wasn’t exactly great - it started off swell, I had a clean and clear MRI on January 6th, I was finally back to work in the office, and I got back to attending my Maine Ag Fairs conference. However, just a few short hours after that wrapped I was back in the emergency room and then the operating room for a VP Shunt revision. From there it just spiraled out of control between treating a bacterial infection which caused my shunt to fail in the first place, multiple surgeries to revise it, COVID, working from home full time again, and new health challenges… name a few - but, 2020 opened my eyes to a LOT. I gained a totally new perspective and a restructured focus on what I want out of my life. Over the last year I have worked towards trying to better myself personally and professionally. Recently, it became even more clear that I needed to work harder to make better healthy lifestyle choices if I wanted some things to get better and for my recovery process to continue on in an upward trajectory.

I am the type of person that really needs something to motivate me when it comes to doing things that are incredibly difficult (like losing weight). So with a renewed focus and energy on bettering my health to help with many of neuro challenges, and a motivator behind it all, I have created a master plan to help me be successful in 2021. Below, I am sharing with you my 2021 goals, how I plan to master them, and what I have already started to do to help me get there.

My 2021 Goals & Master Plan For Success

  • Weight Management - my plan is by June 2021 I will have lost 60 lbs. While that seems like a lot, it’s totally feasible to do using the right tools and here’s how I plan to do it.

    • Intermittent Fasting - I am using the 16:8 ratio, and I have already started ahead of the New Year and I am finding it to be incredibly helpful. I am not bloated or sluggish at night before bed, or in the morning. It also requires me to be mindful of what I am eating, when I am eating, and reducing or limiting my caffeine intake during the day.

    • Nutrition Overhaul - I have always tried to eat healthy or be healthy, but this can be hard since I still struggle with AM nausea from my previous brain surgeries, and due to my work schedule. Intermittent fasting is helping because I really need to ensure that I am fueling my body correctly. I am also tracking my food through my FitBIt app, which helps to really see my breakdown of what I am eating and how much, and consciously trying to make better choices overall.

    • Physical Activity/Exercise - I am fatigued all the time. I suffer from chronic fatigue both mentally and physically, and a lot of this has to do with my lack of sleep (because sleep has always been an issue), but also because I am so much more sedentary thanks to my job. I thought I was doing enough by trying to do short walks on one of my breaks at work and going to physical therapy 2x/week, but it’s not. My neuro-oncologist encouraged more activity and to fight fatigue with activity. Obviously an uphill battle because when you are tired you want to be less active, but something I am forcing myself to do more of. So I try to walk for 10-20 minutes in the morning, and then at all of my breaks/lunches when possible - and make more of an effort on the weekend, while slowly incorporating actual workouts during the week.

  • Stress Management - my stress levels are extremely high, mainly due to my high stress job and of course the chronic health issues I struggle with. Managing my stress is my #1 priority in the new year. My goal is to write in a gratitude journal every day, meditate at night to help me wind down, and focus on other wind down mechanisms to help me de-stress before bed. I find that being creative helps, whether I am drawing, creating jewelry, or planning something. Putting my mind to work on something that invigorates me when I am stressed is going to be a huge focus for me and learning to wind down and relax before going to sleep.

  • Sleep Management - I try to have good sleep hygiene or a good sleep routine, however, the hardest thing for me is working late hours, using a computer all day, and not being able to wind down until late at night. Limiting my screen time after work, getting into a more strict routine for bed, and using some of those wind down tools (meditating, reading, a hot shower, using essential oils, etc.) to help me relax, along with taking melatonin is going to be part of my new sleep hygiene routine. Also upgrading my bedding, pillows, etc. to make sure I am getting as comfortable as I can and waking up as rested as possible.

  • Financial Management - part of my stress is related to my financial situation as well. In 2021 I am planning to take back my financial freedom by paying down my debts, streamlining my credit card debt and eliminating the ones I use the least or that have the highest APR, and creating an emergency fund/savings so that before 2021 wraps I am in a great financial spot to purchase a home. Also making moves in my career to follow a path that is going to lead me to that financial freedom is critical, and feeling like I am growing in my career is huge to reducing my stress and feeling accomplished as a person.

These are my top goals and priorities for 2021. Getting myself organized and taking advantage of the tools I have right at my finger tips is going to be the best way for me to be successful in this new year. While 2020 has been challenging, and we have so many unknowns that we face going into 2021, I am looking at the year with renewed energy and focus, positivity, and hope for my future. I think it’s easier to go into a year with a lot that we still don’t know and we cannot control, focusing on the things that I absolutely CAN control in my own life to make me healthier and happier. I’ll also be sharing more about my 2021 health journey over the year, so keep an eye out for new posts with updates with additional resources that I have found helpful! Below are a list of the resources, apps, and products I am currently taking advantage of to help me be successful this year so that you an take advantage of them too!

  • Balance App - Android or Apple Store - I got a free subscription of this app at the end of October. They were offering free subscriptions to help with mental health during the pandemic. This is an app that allows you to create a healthy mental health routine. You can set yourself wake-up reminders, bedtime reminders, wind down reminders, and create a schedule for meditation as well. There are TONS of meditation options and sounds/stories to help with sleep or relaxation within the app. My goal is to create my program/routine and use it every day.

  • FitBit App - I have a FitBit Charge 2, so I am using this to track/log my food, exercise, sleep, and other important things to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Other options if you don’t have a FitBit? I personally have used MyFitness Pal in the past and loved it, as well as the LoseIt app for tracking food to lose weight.

  • Gratitude Journal - I grabbed one at Marshall’s, but you can honestly find them online or in just about any store in the journal/notebook section. The one I picked up is by Punch Studio and is a guided Gratitude Journal. I prefer something with more structure so having a guided journal was the best option for me. But you can honestly get a small notebook and just write down things that you are grateful for every day, small goals you’ve made, and accomplishments you’ve achieved each day or week!

  • Pinterest (food/exercise ideas) - I am using Pinterest to grab ideas for protein shakes, healthy meals that are quick and easy to make, and exercise routines. I have a whole board dedicated to just this. You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking on the Pinterest logo at the bottom of any page on my blog, but I’ve also linked my Pinterest site below as well! I also follow a lot of fitness bloggers/social media influencers on Instagram who have given me some great ideas as well!

Do you have a resolution or focus for 2021? I’d love to hear it! Drop a comment below!